Road Traffic Incidents

Road Traffic Incidents
RTA Reconstruction
Scene Assessment
Vehicle Examination
Specialist Evidence Capture - Video & Photographs
CCTV Analysis & Evaluation
Technical and Calculation Evaluation
Incident Data Recorder Analysis
Microscopical examination of filament bulbs
DNA & Body Fluids to Identify Driver & Passengers
Drug Driving Experts and Alcohol BAC Calculations
The team at Formedeon are experienced in all aspects of road traffic collisions and carry out full scene and vehicle examinations, as well as evaluating technical evidence and video footage, produced by the prosecution, defence or claimant.
We can provide professional technical reports, video and photographic evidence, to assist in all cases of road traffic demeanour. All provided in professional technical reports which cover all the required detail but explained in a manner to assist.
These can include complex calculations, scene measurements, sight lines, vehicle and driver behaviour and a full evaluation of the pertinent information in each individual case.
Using only highly experienced collision investigators who have been working in this arena for a considerable period of time with numerous professional qualifications.
Sometimes the only independent "witness" to a collision maybe a recovered light bulb. Showing whether the bulb was on or off at impact may be pivotal to determining the facts behind an incident. Our microscopists can undertake this investigation.
Our RTA experts are supported by our Drink Drive Experts, Drug Drive Experts, DNA evidence & Bodyfluid Experts and Forensic Scientists who together with our Fingerprint Experts, CCTV Experts and Forensic Psychologists can comment upon the case as a whole.