Control & Restraint
Control and Restraint Issues
Disputes over restraint by Security, Police and Health Service personnel
Martial Arts safety, code of ethics and related issues
Weaponry possession arguments
The team at Formedecon have years of combined experience relating to control and restraint issues carrying out hundreds of cases involving the use of force on an individual and the use of weapons. They have trained and now teach on issues of correct procedure for control and restraint within situations. Their expertise not only includes control procedures used within the police, health and security industry, but also with a personal training, martial arts and recreational areas.
In addition, they have backup from our DNA and Bodyfluid experts, together with our toxicologists to comment upon drug and aclohol levels and other Forensic Scientists and CCTV experts who may well be able to assist further in a case. If you need any assistance in such a case then drop us an email, or give us a ring.